Monday, November 5, 2018

Kindess @ Corey Academy

Kindness @ Corey Academy

In the Spring of 2018, Corey Academy and the Corey PTA started a tradition of celebrating and teaching kindness.  We believe that a good education is well-rounded, academic, and social-emotional.  Kindness week was a success.  We were honored that the City of Arlington chose to celebrate and recognize Corey Academy for our kindness efforts.  We used our Arts Integration focus to teach and create a kindness presentation  Keep reading to learn what we did and how it turned out!

Our Kindness Lesson

Dr. Varnell and Ms. Mares introduced the day and talked about the gameplan.

Our counselor, Ms. Mares, chose a book on kindness that matched the grade level.  Students watched a video introduction to the book and then read it in class and talked about how it applies to their lives.

Kindergarten & 1st Grade

Kindergarten and 1st grade read What Does It Mean to be Kind? by Rana  DiOrio

Watch the Introduction

2nd & 3rd Grade

2nd and 3rd Grade read Be Kind by Pat Z. Miller

Watch the Introduction

4th, 5th, & 6th Grade

4th-6th Grade read Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Watch the Introduction

The Door Presentations

After we read the book and discussed how it affects our life, we watched a video from our art teachers about how we can design a door decoration based on the book and our conversation.Watch Ms. Uribe and Ms. Carbuccia talk about the door decorations here.

The Presentations

Students had to present the door to demonstrate what they learned.  At Corey, we believe that education should be grounded in Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration.  This video showcases the students' doors and their presentations.  When they finished for the day, we challenged students to share their kindness everywhere.  We gave students a SpreadKindness card and challenged them to Be Kind and Pay It Forward !

City Celebration

Corey has a top notch PTA.  It was important to them that every child was able to celebrate and understand that kindness matters.  Our PTA bought all students and staff a 'Kindness is My Jam' shirts.  They look great!

We were honored to celebrate with Dr. Von Peaks, Ms. Gloria Pena, and the City of Arlington.  


Ashton and Kain were recognized for their outstanding kindness
Santiago and Adelynn were also recognized with a special Texas Rangers gift.

Ms. Guardado's class won the door decorating contest and receives an ice skating party at the Parks Mall catered by  - Chic-Fil-A

Congratulations to everyone !!
Keep spreading kindness.